Since many years, our association upholds a good cooperation with the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V in Kassel.
The association was founded in 1919 and for their centenary anniversary, we received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin a personal invitation for the inauguration of the exhibition “Europa, der Krieg und ich” and the following ceremony in the Weltsaal of the Auswärtiges Amt.
Following the Slogan “Frieden braucht Mut” (Peace needs courage), representatives of the German government, the mayor from Berlin, ambassadors, politicians, scientists and institutions were present in a filled auditorium. Speeches and short videos, as well as a specially written composition by the Musikkorps of the German army reflected the history and future of the association during the evening. Their mission, given by the German federal government is to take care of the graves of war victims and victims of violence.
During the following reception, we encountered many old friends. While talking to the ambassadors, associations and historians, we were able to discuss our work and their presence and support for the 75th anniversary of the remembrance ceremonies in May 2020 in Kahla.