Meeting with Mr. Serge Alexandrow, Museum in Boncelles

Visit to Belgium with associate members and visit to the former KZ Fort Breendonk

Support with the organization and participation at a commemorative event in Ypres

Research in city archives Amiens/Frankreich

Field trip to Nuremberg, Munich (KZ Dachau), Berchtesgaden and in Austria (Memorial Sites Mauthausen, Sankt Georgen and Ebensee)

Invitation and meeting with relatives former forced laborers

Research im audiovisual archives of the French army ECPAD in Paris/France

Invitation and participation at event to commemorate the end of WW1 in
Alveringem/Belgium and Plzen/Czech Republic

Visit from England and common visit and field trip to Fort Aubin-Neufchâteau, Liège

Invitation and meeting with Paul Gennart, Veteran 16th Fusiliers